September Newslettermrs. Parker's 6th Grade L.a. Class

Every student in my class got every question right that I tested them on. The results of the quiz were obviously very good, as everyone scored an 100%. Although everyone did score so well, I knew that this would happen since it was a review quiz, and the students should. This course content is offered under a Public Domain license. Content in this course can be considered under this license unless otherwise noted. View Course Stream Coming Up View Calendar Nothing for the next week. My name is Kathryn Parker and I am so excited about the opportunity to get to know you and your child this year. My husband and I just relocated to Arizona from Kansas and are expecting our first baby boy in late November.

  1. September Newslettermrs. Parker's 6th Grade L.a. Classroom
  2. September Newslettermrs. Parker's 6th Grade L.a. Classes
  3. September Newslettermrs. Parker's 6th Grade L.a. Class Submarine
  1. Step 6: Please use the Event Map to describe one event in the rising action. Step 7: Please use symbols to represent events in the Character’s Scrapbook. Step 8: Please choose three words that were unfamiliar or interesting for your vocabulary building activity. Please Review How to Fill Out a Story Map or Plot Line.
  2. Students’ grades in mathematics and language arts were obtained at the beginning and the end of sixth grade. Letter grades (including pluses and minuses) for relevant school subjects and for effort were converted to numbers (i.e., F through A were converted to 0 through 11; e.g. B+ = 9) and all grades were averaged.

August 5, 2014
Dear Sixth Grade Families,

Iwould like to Welcome you and your child to the 2015-2016 school year here at Calibre Academy. My name is Brad Parker and it is my honor to be your child’s Sixth Grade Math and Science Teacher. I am a Fifth year teacher and have worked in many fields along the way. This has allowed the benefit of knowing what skills business leaders are looking for.
I have been married to the same wonderful wife for almost twenty five years I have two beautiful daughters, an awesome son-in-law and two handsome grandsons. I am looking forward to working with you and your child in reaching his or her full potential as I have with myself and my family. We will have many wonderful experiences and opportunities to learn and grow this year.
I believe that communication is the key to a great parent-teacher relationship. I encourage you to contact me if you have any questions or concerns at any time. You can send me a note in your students agenda, email me at or call me at (623.556.2179). I will also do my part by sending out a newsletter via my web page to update you on what we have been doing in class as well as things that are up coming. For individual concerns, I will contact you by phone, send a note home, or email you (if an email address is provided).

Some important information to startoff the year:
September***This first few days of school we will begetting to know one another. Creating community is a large part of thebeginning of a new school year.

***Every day your child will take home his/her Agenda.Please check this each day. It will contain important announcements, homeworkassignments, or completed work. It is very important that your childbrings this back to school each day signed by you. This will help to create a routine andcontinue the communication between home and school. Also, use this as a way tocommunicate with me. For instance, if your child is doing something differentfrom their normal schedule (going home with a friend, being picked up byanother family member, etc) please send me a note to let me know the change ofplans. I will check the Agenda each morning.

September Newslettermrs. Parker's 6th Grade L.a. Classroom

***Homework in Math and Science will be for extra practice, to review for a test/quizor if the work was not completed in class. Occasionally We will have Labs orprojects that will require some time at home.

September Newslettermrs. Parker's 6th Grade L.a. Classes

***Attendance is important in sixth grade.What we do in class involves active participation, it is very important thatyour child attends each day. However, I do realize that sickness, familyemergencies, and doctor’s appointments do occur. Whenever possible, yourchild’s schoolwork will be saved for him/her to complete upon their return toschool.
The link below will take you to a survey that will help me to gather student information such as parent contact info and some likes and dislikes.

That is it for now! Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns as the school year gets started. I am looking forward to a wonderful and exciting year with you and your child!


Brad Parker



September Newslettermrs. Parker's 6th Grade L.a. Class Submarine



Formative Assessment and Data Driven Decision with Plickers

  • The results of the quiz were pretty concrete. I tested my students on various concepts that have been taught throughout their education, simply to test their knowledge of previous concepts. Every student in my class got every question right that I tested them on.
  • The results of the quiz were obviously very good, as everyone scored an 100%. Although everyone did score so well, I knew that this would happen since it was a review quiz, and the students should have known all of the content that they were tested on. Despite the fact that it was review, I could still test students on questions that were a bit harder. I could even incorporate new content into the quiz that we have only briefly touched base on, and integrate it with questions from the other material to make the quiz a bit harder, but still manageable. Because of the success on this quiz, I may make the next quiz a bit harder, but still a reasonable caliber for a review quiz. I don't think that I need to review the content of this quiz, not any part of it, in fact, because each of the students did so well. The results of the review quiz prove that my students are ready for the next topic, and I will be able to move on to new material in future classes. Despite the fact that everyone scored so well, I don't think that I am teaching something that is too easy. This was a review, and my students are already high ability students who are capable of more than what is normal of their grade level. Moving forward, I will try to test my students on new concepts just little bit in the midst of old review topics in order to really test their knowledge in whatever area we are studying.
  • The tool that I used to test the students is a website/software called Plickers. With this online tool, you can create different types of questions, and select which one is the correct answer. From there, you use a smartphone, tablet, or a device with a camera to broadcast your questions to your students on either the board in the front of class, or on their individual computer screens if you have the technology. After the students see the question, they answer it by holding up a piece of paper that has a number on each side of a shape, along with either an A, B, C, or D. Whichever side they hold upright, will be their answer. The teacher with the camera-enabled devoid then scans the room full of students with their papers high in the air. The camera will pick up on all of the sheets of paper with the shapes, and record each students answer based on the way the shape looks. After the answers are collected, the results can be displayed anonymously by the teacher, or on the teacher screen they can see if students answered certain questions correctly or not.
  • I think that this testing tool is so useful because it is so engaging and easy to use. This tool is definitely engaging for students because they get to hold up their answers and see the scanner pick up on their paper by simply looking at the board with the screen projected. Because of the uniqueness of this tool, I think students will be amused and have fun with it, because I know as a teacher, it is such a fun and interesting tool to use. I also think it is so easy to use because it makes grading and analyzing results so easy for the teacher. They are able to look at one single question and see which people got it wrong, and are able to analyze why they got it incorrect. I think that because teachers are able to do this, the education process is enhanced greatly. If you were to gather that type of data with a normal test, it would take you hours to arrange it into an easy to read format, which Plickers does for you right away. Overall, I think this tool is engaging for students, and it enhances the education process for teachers, making it a great tool to use in an everyday classroom, and I definitely plan on taking advantage of that.

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