Fractions 2 

You can write decimal fraction with a decimal point (and no denominator), which make easier to do calcation like addition and multiplication on fractions. Example: 43/100 is a decimal fraction and it can be shown as 0. Is a decimal fraction and it can be shown as 0.051 Percent: A percentage is a number or ratio as a fraction of 100. Note that for Step #1 and Step #2, you can either enter a whole number only, a mixed number, or a fraction only. Step #3: Click the 'Compare Fractions' button, which will display the greater of the two fractions and generate a step-by-step explanation showing how the calculator arrived at the result. Greek notation of fractions requires readers to understand context for proper interpretation. To set a fraction apart, they place a diacritical mark (‘) after the denominator of a fraction. For instance, the number β (2) becomes ½ when written with a diacritical mark, β’. Likewise, µβ (42) becomes 1/42 when written in µβ’.

Do you want to play fun and interactive math fraction games? The list of games on this webpage is designed to reinforce basic skills, while making learning a breeze.

The math games on this page are suitable for elementary and middle school students.

Factors Millionaire Game
Before adding and subtracting fractions, students must understand basic facts about factors and divisibility. This fun game can be used to reinforce these important math concepts.

Factors and Multiples - Jeopardy Game
In this interactive jeopardy game, students will practice finding the greatest common factor (GCF) and the least common multiple (LCM) of two or more numbers.

Soccer Math Game - Simplifying Fractions
In this fun soccer game, students will practice reducing fractions to the simplest form.

Baseball Math Game - Simplifying Fractions
This is a fun baseball math game about game about simplifying fractions. Students will have to first hit a homerun to be able to see and answer a math problem.

Adding and Subtracting Fractions Board Game
Have fun adding and subtracting fractions by playing this interactive board game against another player, or in two teams. This game is an excellent review activity that promotes student engagement.

Equivalent Fractions Game
In this concentration game, students click on two cards to match equivalent fractions. If there is a match, the problems remain on the page; if not, the cards are turned over.

Football Math Game - Adding Fractions
In this game, students will practice adding and subtracting fractions with common and different denominators.

Changing Fractions and Decimals to Percents
Young students can use this fun millionaire game to practice changing decimals and fractions to percents.

Fractions, Decimals, Percents
In this jeopardy game, students will convert fractions to decimals and percents and vice-versa.

Multiplying Fractions Game
In this fun and interactive soccer game, students will test their ability to multiply different fractions.

Multiplying Fractions Millionaire Game
How many points can you earn? Practice multiplying fractions by playing this fun game alone, with a partner, or in two teams.

Soccer Math - Dividing Fractions Game
Do you know how to divide fractions? Show your friends how many points you can score when playing this fun game.

Adding Fractions -

Math Basketball - Dividing Fractions Game
Dividing fractions does not have to be boring anymore. Play this fun and interactive game and score as many points as possible.

Fractions Jeopardy Game
This online jeopardy game is is a fun way to review the four operations with fractions: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

Changing Fractions to Percents
In this concentration game, students will match different fractions with the equivalent percents.


This Fraction Jeopardy Game has two rounds and three categories: fractions, decimals, and percents. The points are doubled in round two. Have fun earning points!

Return from Math Fraction Games to Math Play homepage.

Equivalent Fractions For 2/3 -


  • M & Ms of different colors
  • Hershey Candy Bars
  • Magnetic fraction bars


I start by passing out a paper candy bar to everyone that has 12 parts.

2nd Grade Fractions - Worksheets, Lessons, And Printables

We talk about how a candy bar is the whole and they they cut it in half so they see that 6 pieces=1 half. I model with a real candy bar.

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We talk about them splitting this with a friend so they would have EQUAL PARTS. Then I tell them 2 other friends come over so they have to split each half into equal parts again. As we do each split, I draw a picture of the fraction and label it.

Once we have divided the candy bar into twelve pieces and I have shown them how we went from 1/2 to 1/12, I use magnetic fraction bars to show them briefly how 1/12 is much smaller than 1/2.

More Fractions 2 Images

Once they get this down and have enjoyed a real candy bar, I then take small bags of M & Ms and pass them out to pairs of kids. We divide our candy into groups by color and then figure out which fraction of the different colors everyone has. For example, if they have 24 total candies and 8 of them are red, I show them that 8/24 are red. Those that are ready always seem to tell me that this is 1/3. (I divide candy in advance so there is always an even number in bags, but not always the same number so some groups may get 24, others 30, others 36, etc.).

When we have figured out the fraction of each color (I have them draw it out on paper with crayons and label the pictures), I let them eat their fractions. My kids always love this since it involves food and they always get fractions too!

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