Past Tense Irregular Verbs Pdf

In the simplest sense, verbs can be conjugated in reference to time. Present tense verbs take place in the present, and future tense verbs take place in the future. Past tense verbs refer to actions or events in the past. They can be regular verbs that simply end with a 'd' or an 'ed' or they can be irregular and change their spelling to show the past tense.

Examples of Past Tense Verbs

Regular Past Tense Verbs

The chart below includes examples of regular verbs and their past tense form, as well as their future tense form for your easy reference:

Irregular Verbs Base Form of Verb Past Tense Past Participle awake awoke awoken be was/were been beat beat beaten become became become begin began begun bend bent bent bet bet bet bid bid bid bite bit bitten blow blew blown break broke broken bring brought brought broadcast broadcast broadcast build built built burn burned burnt buy bought bought.

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Examples of Regular Verbs in Sentences

  1. Past Tense Irregular Verbs A) Change the verbs in brackets into the past tense. Some are regular and some are irregular. Yesterday (to be) a busy day.
  2. 50 Common Irregular Verbs Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle be was / were been become became become begin began begun bring brought brought buy bought bought choose chose chosen come came come do did done drink drank drunk drive drove driven eat ate eaten fall fell fallen feel felt felt find found found.
  3. DAFTAR LENGKAP IRREGULAR VERB BESERTA ARTINYA A Infinitive Past Tense Past Participle Arti (Verb 1/ V1) (Verb 2/ V2) (Verb 3/ V3) arise arose arisen muncul awake awoke awoken bangun → Lihat juga: Daftar Lengkap Kata kerja beraturan (Regular Verb) beserta artinya B Infinitive Past Tense Past Participle Arti (Verb 1/ V1) (Verb 2/ V2) (Verb 3/ V3) be (is/am/are) was/were been ada, adalah bear.

A great way to understand how past tense verbs are used is to see them in sentences.

  • He graciously accepted the award on her behalf.
  • I think Sara added too much sugar to the recipe.
  • Moe admired Mr. Jones for his intellect.
  • Corinne admitted that it was all her fault.
  • Her parents advised against staying out too late.
  • They agreed to meet at the coffee shop.
  • Liz announced the grand prize winner of the night.
  • The family baked a cake together.
  • Timmy behaved very badly at preschool.
  • The headlights nearly blinded the deer on the road.
  • Flora blushed at the compliment.
  • The children camped in the backyard last night.
  • His father collected stamps as a hobby.
  • The car crashed into the tree.
  • They deserved what they got.
  • Beck formed a whole new attitude about Joe.
  • That really hammered the point home.
  • The value meal included a side of fries and a soda.
  • Andrew nodded in agreement.

Regular And Irregular Verbs Pdf

Irregular Past Tense Verbs

Irregular verbs usually change the spelling for their past tense form. This chart includes examples of the original verb and the past tense:

Irregular Past Tense Verbs in Sentences

Here are several examples of irregular verbs being used in sentences.

  • The car was blue before it was painted black.
  • She awoke with a start.
  • Pete bent the frame when he dropped it.
  • And then they bid them adieu.
  • The Smiths brought pumpkin pie to the potluck dinner.
  • Tina chose the purple sweater.
  • The gopher dug quite a hole in the backyard.
  • I can't believe that fell through the cracks.
  • Eventually, Sophie found her way back home.
  • As difficult as it was, Shawn finally forgave his mother.
  • The suspect went into hiding.
  • They held hands as they walked down the street.
  • The Lee family made lemonade.
  • The rabbit ran clear across the field.
  • She saw quite the frightening vision.
  • The house sold for over $5 million.
  • He thought he could do better than that.
  • The employees understood what they had to do.
  • Stephen wrote numerous novels over the years.

What's Done Is Done

Past tense irregular verbs pdf

Wrapping your head around verb tenses can take a little bit of practice, especially when you factor in irregular verbs and the unique way they can be conjugated.

For more information on past tenses, check out ESL Past Tenses and Verb Lesson Plans.

Whether you're making your own irregular verb worksheet or looking for one that's already done, you're in the right place. Below, you'll find activities to use and/or tailor to your students' own unique learning needs. Irregular verbs can be a bit of a tough subject for some learners, so having some great worksheets for practice can really help with the process.

Mother taking child's temperature

Developing an Irregular Verb Worksheet

When you first introduce irregular verbs to your students, it will probably be within the context of simple past tense verbs. You might show them how 'take' becomes 'took' and not 'taked,' for example, and how you would convert 'run' to 'ran' and not 'runned.' That's because irregular verbs don't follow standard formulas for conjugating into the past tense form.

If that's as far as you've gotten, then your irregular verb worksheet should only include activities that pertain to past simple verbs. It may be easier to focus only on the past tense before moving on to more complex subjects.

With more advanced students who may already be working on past participles, you'll need to include activities that allow them to practice using the past participles of irregular verbs, as well as with the past tense.

No matter how advanced your students are at this point, try to include some easy, medium and hard activities on your worksheet, relative to how much they already know. You can use these activities as they are, or you can use them as inspiration to come up with your own learning activities.

Easy Irregular Verb Activities

The activities in the following worksheet are considered easy because they simply require students to fill in blanks with specific instructions on how to do so. They can be made more difficult by requiring the students to fill in the blanks from memory (without using an irregular verb list or chart).

For a little more fun, you can also make a word search or cross-word puzzle where the clues are the base form of the verb, and the students have to either find or fill in the past or past participle form.

Medium-Difficulty Irregular Verb Activities

You can make any of the easy activities harder by taking away your students' irregular verb lists/charts and dictionaries. But the medium-difficult activities in the following worksheet add an extra challenge to the easier ones in the above worksheet.

Past Tense Irregular Verbs Exercise Pdf

Hard Irregular Verb Activities

You can make any of the easy or medium activities in the above worksheets into hard ones by taking away the word bank, taking away the students' irregular verb lists/charts and dictionaries, and mixing in some regular verbs as well.

If you're teaching your students to differentiate between past simple and past participle, an activity like the one in the following worksheet is also very challenging.

More Practice

For even more practice with irregular verbs, check out Activities for Past Tense of Irregular Verbs in ESL and Speaking Activities for Intermediate ESL. With the latter, 'Whodunit' and 'Amnesia' are both especially great for practicing past tense.

English Irregular Verbs List Pdf

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