Tuesdays With Morriemr. Becker's Classroom

Tuesdays With Morriemr. Becker

  1. Morrie's high, smoky voice took me back to my university years, when I thought rich people were evil, a shirt and tie were prison clothes, and life without freedom to get up and go motorcycle beneath you, breeze in your face, down the streets of Paris, into the mountains of Tibet-was not a good life at all.
  2. TUESDAYS WITH MORRIE: FREE BOOKNOTES / STUDY GUIDE The Student/ The Audiovisual Summary. Mitch explains what has happened to him since he last saw Morrie on his college graduation day. He moved to New York City with high hopes of becoming a musician.
  3. Tuesdays with Morrie: an old man, a young man, and life's greatest lesson / Maybe it was a grandparent, or a teacher, or a colleague. Someone older, patient and wise, who understood you when you were young and searching, helped you see the world as a more profound place, gave you sound advice to help you make your way through it.
  4. Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom In a world where we get so caught up in the noise, the obligations, and the pressure to do more, be more, buy more, we often forget that life isn’t supposed to be about all of that. As Morrie says, “Once you learn how to die, you learn how to live.”.

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Tuesdays With Morrie Book

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This Tuesdays with Morrie: K-W-H-L Strategy activity & project also includes:
  • Worksheet
  • Teacher Reference

Readers of Tuesdays with Morrie are directed to use a K-W-H-L chart to record what they know, what they want to learn, how they will find information, and what they learned about a particular topic related to Mitch Albom's book.

Tuesdays With Morrie Pdf

Instructional Ideas
  • Have groups research community resources available to support individuals and families dealing with extended illness
Classroom Considerations
  • Part of a series of materials designed to be used with a reading of Tuesdays with Morrie
  • The packet includes a template for the assignment, a model template, step-by-step directions, a rationale for the activity, and assessment suggestions
Tuesdays With Morriemr. Becker
  • Beware the grammar and usage errors in the model chart

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Free Study Guide: Tuesdays With Morrie by Mitch Albom
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Tuesdays with morriemr. becker

The Student/ The Audiovisual


Mitch explains what has happened to him since he last saw Morrie on his college graduation day. He moved to New York City with high hopes of becoming a musician. However, upon the death of his uncle he soon saw his life to be too short to waste time playing at empty venues, committing to unreliable bands, and writing songs which he thinks will never be heard. Mitch decided to continue his education at Columbia University, obtaining his Masters Degree in Journalism.

One evening as he was flipping through the television channels, he heard the voice of Ted Koppel ask, “Who is Morrie Schwartz” (23)?

The chapter then flashes back to the first time Mitch met Morrie: it was their first class together in the spring of 1976. It was a small class and Morrie asked Mitch what he preferred to be called. Upon telling Morrie that his friends call him “Mitch”, Morrie told him that he hopes one day Mitch will think of him as a friend.


Since the death of his uncle, it seems that Mitch was trying to make the most of his life by accepting job after job, accomplishment after accomplishment. He did not keep touch with any of his college friends, or even Morrie. Albom gives us the impression that he was so busy trying to live his life that he never stopped to realize he wasn’t.

The Orientation/ The Classroom


Mitch arrives at Morrie’s house still on the phone with a producer about one of his stories. He does not want to end the call so he pretends he is looking for something in his car. When Morrie sees Mitch, he hugs him with so much affection, after almost sixteen years of not seeing him. The two sit in the house and Morrie begins to speak about his looming death.

Mitch and Morrie talk for over two hours that day, mostly about Morrie’s sickness. Mitch eventually leaves to catch his returning flight and hugs Morrie good-bye.

These chapters flashback to Albom’s college years; Mitch nicknamed Morrie, “Coach” and recalls the lunches they ate together in the cafeteria.

Mitch began appreciating the study of human relations and caught Morrie’s contagious passion for books. They would often talk after class and Mitch even consulted Morrie advice about this confusing stage of his life.


In these two chapters it is apparent that Mitch is ashamed of the person he has become in the sixteen years since he has seen Morrie. Mitch feels guilty for staying on the phone, in his car, while Morrie is anxiously awaiting his arrival. Mitch feels even guiltier when Morrie welcomes him so affectionately. As they sit and talk Mitch feels embarrassed that he is no longer the same as Morrie remembered him; he only hopes to fool Morrie into thinking he is the same.

For the remainder of these chapters we can tell that Mitch is very uncomfortable around Morrie and even about the person he himself has become. We can only infer from this, that Morrie will discover Mitch’s confused personality and help bring him back to the person he wishes to be.

Tuesdays With Morriemr. Becker

Taking Attendance


A few weeks after his visit with Morrie, Mitch flies to London to cover Wimbledon. He notices the slough of printed tabloids and hungry reporters around him. He thinks of Morrie and their conversation.

When Mitch arrives back in Detroit, the unions at his newspaper had gone on strike. Mitch was currently out of his newspaper job. He called Morrie and the two agreed to meet again the following Tuesday.

The chapter then flashes back to Mitch’s sophomore year in college when he began to meet Morrie outside of the classroom for discussions. Mitch talks to Morrie about his aspirations in life because Morrie listens, unlike Mitch’s father who wants him to be a lawyer.


Mitch, even more so, realizes the shallowness of the media and even his career. He is frustrated that people waste so much time consumed in the lives of celebrities and gossip. He thinks of Morrie and the culture he chose for himself: Morrie dedicated his time to discussion groups, time with friends, dancing, reading and constantly thinking of new ideas on how to improve his life as well as the lives of those around him. He enjoyed his food and the nature around him while Mitch was too busy rushing past it.

When the union members went on strike Mitch finally realized that life went on without him and his column.

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Tuesdays With Morrie by Mitch Albom: Free BookNotes Summary

Radisch, Sharon. 'TheBestNotes on Tuesdays With Morrie'. TheBestNotes.com. . <% varLocale = SetLocale(2057) file = Request.ServerVariables('PATH_TRANSLATED') Set fs = CreateObject('Scripting.FileSystemObject') Set f = fs.GetFile(file) LastModified = f.datelastmodified response.write FormatDateTime(LastModified, 1) Set f = Nothing Set fs = Nothing %>

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