6th Grade Argumentative Writing

Proven TK-8th grade writing curriculum - More information at WritingByDesignK8.com. 6th Grade: Students always find it difficult to write an essay on argumentative essay topics. Writing an argumentative essay has two tasks. One task is to find the right essay topic for your college and the second task is to write a well-researched argumentative essay on it. The argumentative essay can be written on different topics. Student Writing Checklist: Argument (Grade 6) A collection of three different writing checklists that highlight the key elements of effective argumentative writing. Great for students to use as a reference throughout the writing process as well as for self-review and peer-review. Start studying Argumentative Writing 6th Grade. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Library Argument, Bias, and Persuasion Argument, Bias, and Persuasion Have students track arguments through texts as they examine logical reasoning, bias, and persuasive techniques such as emotional appeals, character attacks, and slippery slopes.

Updated: 10.12.2019

English classes in high school and college usually require students to do a lot of writing, which is why it is important to start developing your skills while still in middle school. You will often have to write an argumentative, informative, or analytical paper, personal reflection, or an article review. While this may seem like a complicated task for a 6th-grader, you should not be intimidated. In order to become a good writer, the least a student needs to do is start writing.

Below, you’ll find the best 6th grade argumentative essay topics that will help you develop your analytical thinking, reasoning, and writing skills. An argumentative essay will require you to present both the pros and cons of a certain subject in order to persuade a reader to agree with your point of view. In order to do so, you’ll have to learn how to analyze a topic and organize your paper. Surprise your teachers with a well-structured essay the next time you get a writing assignment!

List of 6Th Grade Argumentative Essay Topics

  1. Are abortions legal?
  2. Cloning must be banned
  3. Cross-cultural marriages add up to racial tolerance
  4. First aid and medical help, in general, should become free
  5. Global warming
  6. Is it OK to date a younger male?
  7. Is online dating safe and productive?
  8. Parents have no right to control the lives of their children above 16
  9. People are good at heart psychology from ilsepauly687
  10. People are good at heart.
  11. People must spend less time on official work without any effect on their salaries
  12. Social movements must be financed by governments
  13. What should be the role of partners in relationship and family?
  14. What us incest?
  15. Will people start marrying their computers soon?

6th Grade Argumentative Essay Examples, Basic Explanation and More…

6th Grade: Students always find it difficult to write an essay on argumentative essay topics. Writing an argumentative essay has two tasks. One task is to find the right essay topic for your college and the second task is to write a well-researched argumentative essay on it. The argumentative essay can be written on different topics. To do that, you need to have a guide to writing the best essay on the selected topic, keep reading to learn more.

Definition of Argumentative Essay

To find argumentative essay topics easy on different platforms, you need to understand about the argumentative essay.

An argumentative essay is all about arguing and debating on a topic, which is debatable. The main focus and aim of the essay are to convince and persuade the reader in believing your point of view on the topic.

Argumentative essays tend to require a little more research and logic than their cousin, the persuasive essay—but your middle school students will enjoy the opportunity to argue convincingly to readers all the same. And, more importantly, as they research their papers, gather evidence, and form their positions and arguments, they’ll be learning and practicing a number of important writing and critical thinking skills.

6th Grade Argumentative Essay Example


Single Parent Struggle

For many years, children growing up in a single parent family have been viewed as different. Being raised by only one parent seems impossible to many yet over the decades it has become more prevalent.

In today’s society many children have grown up to become emotionally stable and successful whether they had one or two parents to show them the rocky path that life bestows upon all human beings.

The problem lies in the difference of children raised by single parents versus children raised by both a mother and a father. Does a child need both parents? Does a young boy need a father figure around? Does the government provide help for single parents? What role do step-parents and step-siblings play?


With much speculation, this topic has become a very intriguing argument. What people must understand is that properly raising a child does not rely on the structure of a family but should be more focused on the process or values that are taught to these children as they learn to mature.

Children of single parents can be just as progressive with emotional, social and behavioral skills as those with two parents.

People claim that the only way for children to gain full emotional and behavioral skills is to be raised by both a mother and a father. When a topic such as this one has a broad amount of variables it is impossible to simply link these problems to only having one parent.

6th grade argumentative writing ideas

In the article, “Single-parent families cause juvenile crime”, author Robert L. Maginnis states, “Children from single-parent families are more likely to have behavior problems because they tend to lack economic security and adequate time with parents”.

The simple statement that raw criminals are products of single-parent adolescence is absurd. What this writer must understand is that it can be extremely difficult for one parent to raise a child by themselves for many reasons.

A single-parent must work full time to be able to afford to provide for themselves and their child. They must also be able to still have time to offer an exuberant amount of emotional time for the wellbeing of their child. However, even though this may seem impossible, it can be done.

As this subject continues to be looked down on people must realize that single parents are becoming more common in today’s world. Since 1995 the American family structure for children ages fourteen to eighteen consists of forty-two percent living in a first marriage family with both parents, twenty-two percent living in a second marriage step-family, twenty-one percent living in a single parent, divorced or separated family, six percent living in a single parent never married family and three percent living in a single parent widowed family.

This is an extremely scary statistic considering that fifty-eight percent of children in America are living in a single parent family. This is a chilling percentage because it shows how little faith is put into a relationship before actually deciding to have children. Unfortunately not all single-parents take the time to perform the vital tasks needed to raise their children.

Parents who think they would never be able to provide emotional stability for their children by themselves should have taken the time to think this through before deciding to become parents. Accidents may happen once in a while but in most cases adults know what is at stake when planning to have a child. Plain and simple, if you’re not ready, than don’t do it.

If you do decide to have this child and you love this child, then you can be a good parent. There are many ways to enhance the well-being of your child if you simply apply yourselves as parents. Magginnis later states that, “Boys who do not have fathers as male role models suffer especially”.

While it is extremely important for a male child to have his father around, there are other ways of teaching a young boy the lessons he needs to become a man. I know from personal experience that what the author of this article is trying to convey is wrong.

I never had my father around while growing up and I did in fact have many positive male role models. My Grandfather was always there to help guide me as I slowly blossomed into a young man.

Anytime my mother had to work to support us, my grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins would step up and provide the time and attention I needed. Therefore, I had the best support group I could have had as a young man.

Being a child with a single mother had its benefits. Although I came to find how hard it really was for her to always meet the needs of her child, she did the best job that she possibly could and gave me the knowledge that I needed to become a successful man without the guidance of my father.

I did however have the experience of dealing with a step-parent. Today, twentyfive percent of all American children will spend at least some time of their growing-up years in a stepfamily. This seems fine for single parents because they feel like they can start over in a new relationship and receive help from their spouse both emotionally and financially.

A step-parent can cause confusion and emotional stress on the child since they have just had to adjust to only one parent and now have to adjust to a new parental figure stepping into the family role. Another factor of bringing a step-parent into a single family’s life is new step-siblings to get along with.

It might not be justified for a step-parent to punish their step-child like they would their own flesh and blood. As long as both parents have an understanding that their family comes first and that it is important to communicate between themselves and with the children, a step-family could survive.

Children who are raised with both a mother and a father have more attention from both parents therefore they get the emotional time they need to progress in life. This could be true but not in all circumstances.

It would not be beneficial at all to grow up in a two parent family who did nothing but argue and put each-other down. Naturally, a child who sees this from a very young age until they are ready to be out on their own would only follow in the footsteps of all that they have ever known.

Children who are raised by one parent who devotes their time and emotion into their child would benefit much more than a child who has both parents showing them that fighting and arguing is acceptable.

6th grade argumentative writing rubric

Not all families are lucky enough to have a healthy structure. It is important for society and government aids to notice these structural differences and take action. There should be government funded programs to help assist single-parent families with childcare and finances for parents who must work and still have time for their children.

Whether it’s a mother and a father, a single mother, or a single father, children need guidance. They will only become a product of what they are taught from a young age and these children are deeply affected emotionally by the amount of love and compassion that is put into raising them.

Whichever family structure is implied it must be one of respect and strong moral values that they can someday pass on to their family.

In case you need more topics to work on, with these 33 new argumentative essay topics for middle school students, you can help your students learn more about what makes a good argument and how to evaluate and decipher so-called “evidence.”

As they explore topics like the ways in which schools handle bullying and whether or not the Pledge of Allegiance should be required in schools, they’ll have the chance to see how biased some sources may be—and how those sources can be construed to support a particular side of an argument. Whether students choose to argue for or against a given topic, you can be sure they’ll learn plenty about the components of an excellent argument either way!

Use these argumentative essay topics to teach your middle-schoolers all about the process of delivering well-researched, evidence-based arguments to their peers.

6th Grade Argumentative Writing Activities

  1. Do people have a right to Internet access?
  2. Do violent video games make people more likely to be violent in real life?
  3. Is it ever fair for minorities to receive special treatment or consideration?
  4. Does the average American have a healthy diet?
  5. Should students have a greater say in what they learn?
  6. Do girls or boys face more societal pressure—or do they face equal amounts?
  7. Do schools do enough to prevent bullying?
  8. Does reality television accurately depict real life?
  9. Does nature or nurture play a bigger role in who we are?
  10. Do athletes, celebrities, and CEOs deserve to make more money than the average person?
  11. Is arts education as important as other types of curriculum?
  12. What is the greatest challenge today’s students face?
  13. What responsibilities do people have to help one another out?
  14. What one thing should all households be doing to conserve energy?
  15. Is Common Core good for students?
  16. Does pop culture have value?
  17. Should parents monitor their children’s Internet usage?
  18. When it comes to government monitoring, which is more important—individual privacy or national security?
  19. How does the location someone grows up in affect who they become?
  20. Should the Pledge of Allegiance be recited (or required) in schools?
  21. Should official forms and documents have more than two options available when asking about gender?
  22. Do participation trophies have value or do they undervalue the achievements of the winners?
  23. Should children have restricted limits on the amount of screen time they can have?
  24. Is climate change real, and is it happening?
  25. What types of responsibilities does a government have to take care of its citizens?
  26. Knowing what we know about the dangers of smoking, should cigarettes be outlawed?
  27. Should students be required to learn a second language in school?
  28. What issue should lawmakers be most concerned about?
  29. Should Photoshopped magazine covers be banned?
  30. Should religion be kept out of politics or brought into it?
  31. Do celebrities have a right to privacy or do they forfeit some of that right by choosing to live in the public eye?
  32. Should peanut products and other common allergens be kept out of schools?
  33. Is it immoral to download copyrighted content illegally—or is it something that is a violation of the law, but not an issue of ethics?

That’s the much I can share with you, trust me next time I will still be here for you with something greater. If you have any questions in regard to today’s topic, feel free to drop it in the comment section of this page. Please share this with your friends too because it will help them too.

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6th Grade Persuasive Writing

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Argumentative Essay Sample 6th Grade


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